​​Photographers, please pick up your  photographers permit

at the store prior to photo sessions. 

Mexican Vanilla! 

the more you know!!!

Dark and Clear available in two sizes

8 oz. $10.00

​1 liter $20.00


Beeswax  is is a natural lubricant and is used to make soaps, lip balm, lotion and candles!  Waterproofing leather, oiling furniture joints, making granite countertops shine and greasing cookie sheets are some other fantastic uses for it.​

Mexican vanilla 

Mexican vanilla has a rich, full flavor that is delicious in both baking and milkshakes.  We ensure that our products are the highest quality available and does not contain cumarin.  Wow your friends with your desserts with minimal effort.  

Raw, pure honey, pollen & beeswax! 

Our Honey is raw, delicious, healthy: The way nature intended it

Did you Know???

Raw Honey, gathered from the area you live in, is fantastic for allergies? Taken once a day, honey can help build up your immune system with the same allergens that you are allergic too.

We head down to the border every year to pick it up from the source 

Couple hints for cooking with Honey:

It browns quickly, so bake at a lower and slower temperature.

Substituting honey adds liquid so lessen the amount of other liquids you put in your recipe.